Saturday, September 17, 2011

Bhedetar City

Nepal is the queen of natural beauty where as hte many place for tourism. we can enjoy there. The Bhedetar also a place which is the most beautiful place. Bhedetar is a transit to Dhankuta from Sunsari district. It's 16 kms northeast from Dharan. It's at the top of a hill almost 1450 meters high from sea level. People from far and wide visit the place for picnicking in winter and to enjoy cool fresh air in hot summer season. Charles' Point, a peak the British Prince Charles climbed in 1994, and now Bhedetar Viewpoint has been constructed, is a point one should reach.
Bhedetar is a most chosen picnic spot in the eastern part. From here a road goes for Kamphek, Dandabajar and Ravi. Good lodges and hotels are available. The place enjoys electricity, water supply and telephone.
There are Nepal Television Sub-station, the Relay Tower of Nepal Telecom and the Tower of Kantipur FM radio Station. Walk some distance to the west and you will reach the famous Second Pathibhara Devi's temple. Bhedetar is a viewpoint of the beautiful scenery of the plains of Kosi river down at the Terai, and charming Himalayan ranges like Kumbhakarna and Makalu.
One can easily catch regular buses for Bhedetar; or hire taxis at Bhanuchowk, Dharan.

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